The 30-Days Lean Muscle Workout 

How The Plan Works

This four-week workout is designed to make the biggest positive difference to your body through training just four times per week. Workouts 1 and 3 each week focus on your upper-body muscles, while workouts 2 and 4 are total-body sessions.

This approach will maximize the amount of upper-body muscle you build, because you’re working these muscles four times a week, while also maximizing fat loss with tough but rewarding total-body fat-burning workouts

All the workouts are made up of five moves but the upper-body sessions are structured slightly differently to the total-body ones to place the perfect stimulus on your body for the best possible results.

So while the total-body sessions are performed as straight sets, the upper-body workouts start with two straight sets and finish with a tri-set to fatigue the working muscles thoroughly.

Workout 1: Upper body 

1.Bench press

Sets 5 Reps 12 Rest 60sec

Lie on a flat bench holding a barbell with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Brace your core, then lower the bar towards your chest. Press it back up to the start.


Sets 5 Reps 12 Rest 60sec

Hold a bar with an underhand grip. Brace your core, then pull yourself up until your chin is higher than the bar. Lower until your arms are straight again.

3(A).Incline dumbbell flye

Sets 3 Reps 12  Rest 10sec

Lie on an incline bench holding a dumbbell in each hand above your face, with your palms facing and a slight bend in your elbows. Lower them to the sides, then bring them back to the top.

3(B).Triceps extension

Sets 3 Reps 12  Rest 10sec

Stand tall holding a dumbbell over your head with both hands, arms straight. Keeping your chest up, lower the weight behind your head, then raise it back to the start.

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